Friday, March 6, 2009


Now as you have seen in the Star Wars Jedi Masters and Padowons use Light Sabers however these are used for dangerous assignments. As you can tell if you have met either of these guys on the streets, they do not have any weapons on themselves whatsoever. That, however is only to the naked eye Youngling however the weapons that they carry have vast ideas of truth and justice, and love as well.

They have a vast arsenal of weapons known as the tongue, which Yeremiah has just started his training in a few years ago. Another weapon they have is the brain which I believe is the most powerful because of the creation of ideas which it puts forth. Another weapon they have but which Yeremiah exceeds Denial in, love. They both have the fight for truth in them. We all tried to have them carry some sort of weaponry, however they refused.

We tried to convince them for a good three millennia however they both refused steadfastly. They unanimously agreed that they would rather travel and go on assignment, without any such protection. So the council and I eventually agreed with them, blessed them and sent them on their way.

They really are a good team, loyal to themselves and their cause to create harmony for all.

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